Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So how can you recognize if you are actually suffering from depression?

Sometimes you are unable to climb out from the pits for a long time; sometimes you climb a little only to slip further back and sometimes you find yourself more in than out. When and how will you know whether you are suffering from depression or not? There are some simple self depression tests that will tell you clearly whether what you are suffering from is depression or just plain blues. Here are some things to look for:

i). Are you feeling totally withdrawn from the regular pleasures of life? This is a very accurate self depression test – try out something that you know is supposed to give extremely pleasure (such as your favorite hobby, your favorite movie, shopping, etc) and if you find that it leaves you unmoved, then this is a sign that this is depression.

ii). Are you forgetting an awful lot of things with no recollection at all even afterwards? Depression causes hiccups in your memory and you will find that certain things are totally wiped out from your memory, leaving you totally baffled. This is another point from the self depression test which gives a very accurate indication.

iii). Do you find that you cannot sleep at all or very little during the night? Check out carefully about why you are not able to sleep at night. Is it because you are drinking coffee or some similar stimulants or do you not really have any logical reasons for it? In case you do not have an answer for it, then the self depression test will give you another clue about your present state.

iv). Do you find that you have lost your appetite? Sometimes, not wanting to eat or not feeling like eating is normal. However, if you turn nauseous even when you are served with your favorite dish, then the self depression test is confirming depression.

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you are likely to be suffering with depression. If this is the case, you need to get yourself some professional help and speak to them about how you are feeling and discuss your fears with them. If depression is left untreated, its effects can be devastating. Getting yourself help

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