Saturday, March 13, 2010

There are great advances being made in the field of panic, anxiety and phobias...

...It is believed that to an extent the problem is genetic, nervous parents raise nervous children. There is also a fear that with some peoples over protection of their children this could add to the number of anxiety sufferers in years to come. There has been some research which shows that in the area of the brain that is involved with the anxiety reaction there is a difference between sufferers and non sufferers further adding to the belief that the causes may in part be genetic.

Quite often someone may only begin to suffer panic or anxiety attacks after a specific event in their lives. It could be a road accident, the loss of a loved one or some other traumatic happening.

Some research seems to show that women are more likely to seek treatment for panic or anxiety attacks than men. Whether this means that more women suffer from anxiety or whether they are just more prepared to go and seek treatment is not clear. Although women are considered more emotional than the average male and this could be the reason an alternative view has also been put forward.

At least one specialist believes that the male is less likely to admit to having a problem. They are more like to turn to alcohol rather than seek medical advice.

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